Tham khảo Mổ hậu môn

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    • Potzsch, C.J., Lewis, K., Nicol, C.J. and Green, L.E., (2001). A cross-sectional study of the prevalence of vent pecking in laying hens in alternative systems and its associations with feather pecking, management and disease. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 74: 259-272
    • Green, L.E., Lewis, K., Kimpton, A. and Nicol, C.J., (2000). Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of feather pecking in laying hens in alternative systems and its associations with management and disease. Veterinary Record, 147: 233-238.
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    • Campo, J.L., Prieto, M.T. and Dávila, S.G., (2008). Association between vent pecking and fluctuating asymmetry, heterophil to lymphocyte ratio, and tonic immobility duration in chickens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 113: 87-97
    • Butterworth, A. and Weeks, C., (2010). The impact of disease on welfare. In The Welfare of Domestic Fowl and Other Captive Birds, I.J.H. Duncan and P. Hawkins (eds), Springer, pp. 189–218
    • Parmentier, H.K., Rodenburg, T.B., De Vries Reilingh, G., Beerda, B. and Kemp, B., (2009). Does enhancement of specific immune responses predispose laying hens for feather pecking? Poultry Science, 88: 536-542 doi:10.3382/ps.2008-00424
    • Tauson, R., (1984). Effects of a perch in conventional cages for laying hens. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, 34: 193-209
    • Glatz, P.C. and Barnett, J.L., (1996). Effect of perches and solid sides on production, plumage and foot condition of laying hens housed in conventional cages in a naturally ventilated shed. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 36: 269-275
    • Moinard, C., Morisse, J.P. and Faure, J.M., (1998). Effect of cage area, cage height, and perches on feather condition, bone breakage and mortality of laying hens. British Poultry Science, 39: 198-202
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